Shaun Robinson

TV Host • Author • Producer • Motown Gal

Women's March

This is one of the most incredible pictures taken during yesterday's Women's March that had participation around the world. City Hall was lit up in pink as thousands in San Francisco gathered to champion women's rights.  


Hope for the New Year

I am laying here in bed in the first quiet waking hours of the New Year thinking about what I want to accomplish over the next 365 days.  Last night, my sister-in-law, Carolyn - who is visiting from Atlanta - and I spent a praised-filled night at church - a place I always go to ring in the New Year. I tend not to go to NYE parties - there is so much pressure for midnight to be just perfect. The snapshot of what you did when the clock struck 12 will forever be etched in history - for better or worse.  In church, it’s all about, not only the night but, your entire life and it never disappoints. The service is uplifting and my church is like a party itself: our Bishop always has an incredible message that leaves me so inspired. Our choir and musical guests make you feel as though you have been to a concert - we get up and dance and right after we count down to the New Year,  the congregation breaks out in a “step” in the aisles. I always leave in a great mood and and ready to take on the New Year.


Last night, when we got to church, you could tell the general feeling among people was a little subdued. There seemed to be a general consensus that 2016 had been, for various reasons, a rough one for many. And, from the conversations with those around me, it seemed like there wasn’t much hope for 2017 to be much better. When the choir sang, “It’s Gonna Be Alright”, it touched many in a particularly emotional way. 

Then, came the message and, as always, our Bishop was right on point. He talked about hope and being of service to others. Everyone was given a small brown paper bag that was printed with the words: "Serve With Gladness".



Inside was a long card that gave you ideas on what you could put in the bag that would help others:

- A Blessing Bag: add toiletries, non-perishable snacks and give to someone living on the street.

  • Gift Cards: Bless a Neighbor, co-worker or complete stranger with a gift card from Starbucks, Target, Vons, etc.
  • Shoes That Fit: Is your closet busting over with shoes? Donate a pair to someone in need
  • Date Night: Know a young couple with children? Give the the gift of a quiet night out, without kids.
  • Gift the Word - Even in the age of electronic bibles and phone apps, someone can be blessed by their very own print Bible
  • Just What the Doctor Ordered: Take a senior citizen to their appointment or take them to get their prescriptions


The message of the night was clear: 2017 is about being of service to those who are less fortunate. And, when you live outside of yourself to make the world a better place, HOPE springs eternal. Happy New Year!

New Charity Partner

The S.H.A.U.N. Foundation for Girls is very excited to announce a new partnership with Techbridge Girls - a nonprofit that introduces girls in underserved school districts to STEM fields - Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. These fields have an enormous underrepresentation of females. Girls who are lucky enough to get into a Techbridge Girls program, learn how to write code, build robots, fix circuits, construct websites and so much more! you can learn more about their program at!



Our Jimmy Choo Soirée

What an incredible night! So many supporters of the S.H.A.U.N. Foundation for Girls came out to our Jimmy Choo reception in Beverly Hills to buy fabulous shoes for a great cause. They helped us raise money so that we can support those small nonprofits that are helping the lives of girls and young women. To find out more about our mission, go to: .


The "No Phone" Zone

This was one of the most popular pictures I have posted and It's because so many people deal with the same issue at family gatherings - whether on a daily basis or special occasions like Thanksgiving. 



Right before we were going to bless the table, my sister-in-law, Carolyn, who had been preparing our special meal for days, handed us a woven basket with a note taped to it that said, "No Phone Zone". She then told me, my mother, sister, nephews and brother-in-law that no cell phones were allowed at the Thanksgiving table. Our reaction (minus my nephews) was "great!". We hadn't seen each other in so long, why wouldn't we want to talk to each other instead of talking to someone else who was probably with THEIR family who was trying to get them off their phone too?! It was a wonderful idea and it worked also. We talked. To each other. No distractions. Except getting up for seconds (or thirds). 

Wonderful Friends

I'm so blessed to have supportive friends to encourage me throughout this journey. I met Tamar Davis 10 years ago through my friend, Prince. She was a protege of his who processed an absolutely God-given gift with her voice. And, as fate - or FAITH - would have it, she was a finalist on last season's The Voice. Tamar has the biggest heart. She flew in from Houston to perform at the LA launch of my new foundation and she brought the audience to tears. I'm so grateful to her. Love you, Tamar! 💕


Hidden Heroes

I am so honored to be chosen as one of CBS's Hidden Heroes! The show spotlights celebrities who are working to improve lives through their philanthropic work. We spent the day filming at my house and the crew interviewed two of my mentees. Was an amazing day! 

Being interviewed my CBS Hidden Heroes

Being interviewed my CBS Hidden Heroes

The Empowered Girl

What an amazing day! My new foundation  - the S.H.A.U.N. Foundation for Girls - gave its first grant to Detroit-based charity, Alternatives for Girls, which helps rescue girls from human trafficking. The day was kicked off by a panel discussion titled, "The Empowered Girl: How NOT to be a Victim of Human Trafficking. An audience of girls and young women were in attendance and heard important advice from women who are on the front lines fighting human trafficking, including survivors who shared their powerful stories. The event, which was held at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History, was sponsored by the Ford Motor Company Fund.  

Presenting the grant to Alternatives for Girls

Presenting the grant to Alternatives for Girls



On the second day of my birthday vacation in Mykonos, we took a combination walking/bus tour to see as much of the island as possible. 

One of my favorite things to see up close were the iconic 16th century windmills that the farmers used to mill wheat. 


Windmills of Mykonos  

Windmills of Mykonos  

Loving my Grecian birthday vacation! 


We finally arrived! After an Uber to the airport (first car didn't show up), a flight from LA to NY, then NY to Athens and then from Athens to Santorini, then a shuttle to our hotel...we are kicking off my birthday vacation! My mom Joanne and sister-in-law Carolyn are the traveling trio.

So wonderful to spend this time with family. Our hotel is right on the beach against the Mediterranean Sea. Simply beautiful! 

Ready to hit the beach! 

Ready to hit the beach! 

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